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July 2019: WONDER - Where Reality and Imaginary Collide

Davy & Kristin McGuire

From fairies trapped in jam jars to seductresses kept in dolls-houses to pole dancers hijacking religious iconography, our work for the new exhibition 'WONDER' at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in Coventry plays with conflicted ideas of female victim-hood versus female agency, the innocent aspirations of childhood versus the tainted reality of adulthood, and - as you can see below - the sacred versus the sacrilegious.  

We've created a new piece "Elegy" which will be displayed for the first time at the exhibition. WONDER runs from the 29th of June to the 15th of September. Here's a little look behind the scenes...

WONDER features work by Lucy McLauchlan, Antonio Roberts, Ben Javens, Eddie Jo Murray, Julia Snowdin and us.

Associate Curator: Dr Rachel Marsden

Dates for your Diary:



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