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October 2021: Real Mermaids?

Davy & Kristin McGuire

Yes, we'll be projecting real life size mermaids into Hull's docks this month!

Location: Princes Quay, HU1 2PQ

Open times: 6:30-9:30pm, 22-24 October

Our beautiful but haunting display of holographic projections into water features uncanny sea creatures and mermaids’ encounter with plastic pollution and climate change.

As global warming impacts the habitats of humans, animals and sea creatures we see fish populations diminish, go extinct or move to better living and feeding grounds. Mermaids are not exempt from this destructive process. In various parts of the world they have been forced to migrate to better feeding grounds in order to survive. Moving closer to urban environments helps them to live of human food waste, but the Sirens’ appearance is a symptom of worse things to come…

Here's a video of one of the beautiful creatures you might spot swimming in the water.



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